Ondřej Čečák

Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry, and you're on your own.

Lache und die Welt lacht mit dir. Weine und du weinst allein.

Lach, en de wereld lacht met je mee; Huil, en je huilt alleen.

Smějte se a svět se bude smát s vámi. Plačte a budete plakat sami.


At sign ondrej (insert "at" right here) cecak.cz

CZ Prague, Czech Republic

OM martina (insert "at" right here) cecak.cz

Someone to love, something meaningful to do and something to look forward to.


He who re-invented the wheel, understands much better how a wheel works.

Wheel Discovery of the wheel.

It's every one of us who holds the power over the worlds we create.


Written by the life. All rights reversed. Shake well before using. Warranty void unless int.

Information Technology

Studying and Teaching



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